Prison or Launchpad?

Stop Letting Your Surroundings Call the Shots

Burst the Bubble: your environment doesn’t have to define you. It can try, sure. It can throw roadblocks in your way, tell you what you can’t do, and keep you in a comfortable little box. But ultimately? It’s on you to decide whether you’re going to let it win.

Let’s talk about how your environment might be holding you back—and, more importantly, how to break free.

1. Your Environment Is a Mirror, But It’s Not the Truth

Your environment reflects back what you see every day, and if that reflection sucks, it’s easy to start believing that’s all there is. Grew up in a small town where ambition is seen as “getting too big for your britches”? Surrounded by people who settle for mediocrity and complain about their lives but never change anything?

Guess what? That’s not the truth—it’s just the story you’re being fed. And if you’re not careful, it becomes the story you live.

But here’s the good news: just because you’re stuck looking at a crappy reflection doesn’t mean you can’t smash the mirror and find something better.

2. People Can Be Anchors or Rockets

Let’s talk about your circle. Are the people around you building you up or holding you down? Because here’s the cold, hard truth: some of the people closest to you are comfortable with you staying exactly where you are.

  • The Anchors: These are the people who tell you, “Don’t bother with that dream—it’s too risky.” Or, “You’ve got it good enough, why push for more?” Anchors aren’t always malicious, but they are heavy as hell.
  • The Rockets: These are the people who inspire you, push you, and maybe even make you a little uncomfortable because they expect more from you. Rockets don’t settle, and they won’t let you settle either.

If your circle is full of anchors, you need to start cutting some ropes. Surround yourself with people who make you want to level up, not people who drag you back to the same old, same old.

3. Comfort Zones Are Cages in Disguise

Here’s the thing about your environment: it loves to keep you comfortable. The same routine, the same people, the same limitations—it’s predictable, and that predictability feels safe.

But comfort is a liar. It whispers, “Stay here. It’s easier this way.” Meanwhile, your dreams, your potential, and your ambition are sitting outside the cage, wondering when you’re going to grow the courage to step out.

Burst the damn Bubble: success doesn’t live inside your comfort zone. If your environment is too cozy, it’s time to shake things up. Move. Take a risk. Try something new. Put on your Comfortable T', and get uncomfortable because that’s where growth happens.

4. Your Environment Isn’t Always a Place

Let’s flip the script for a second—sometimes, your environment isn’t physical. Sometimes, it’s a mindset.

  • The environment in your head that tells you, “You’re not good enough.”
  • The one that says, “People like you don’t succeed.”
  • The one that’s replaying every failure, every doubt, and every fear like it’s on a broken record.

If the most toxic environment you’re in is your own head, that’s where you need to start cleaning house. Challenge those thoughts, reframe them, and remind yourself that the limits you’re seeing are mostly self-imposed.

5. Excuses vs. Reasons: Know the Difference

Let’s not get it twisted: your environment can make things harder, but it’s not an excuse to quit. Plenty of people have come from bad situations and still found a way to thrive.

Your environment might give you reasons to struggle—lack of resources, unsupportive people, limited opportunities—but it doesn’t give you a free pass to sit back and accept defeat. You can’t control where you start, but you can control where you go from here.

6. So, How Do You Break Free?

Alright, you’ve identified the problem. Now what? Here’s how to stop being a victim of your environment and start taking charge:

  1. Audit Your Circle: Cut out the negativity and surround yourself with people who inspire you. If you can’t find them in real life, follow them online, read their books, or watch their videos.
  2. Change Your Scenery: Sometimes, you just need a new perspective. Take a trip, explore a new place, or even just change up your routine.
  3. Feed Your Mind: If your environment is dragging you down, counteract it by filling your brain with knowledge, inspiration, and motivation. Podcasts, books, courses—whatever works for you.
  4. Take Small Steps: You don’t have to overhaul your life overnight. Start with small changes that chip away at the limits your environment has placed on you.

Final Thoughts: Your Environment Isn’t Your Destiny

Look, your environment can either be the excuse you use to stay stuck or the fuel you use to break free. It’s not going to change itself—you’ve got to decide that you’re worth more than the limits around you.

So, what’s it gonna be? Are you going to let your environment dictate your future, or are you going to rewrite the script? Because the only person who can break you out of that bubble is you.